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Selectmen's Minutes January 30, 1996
             Selectmen's Meeting - January 30, 1996

Selectmen Attending: Judith Murdoch, James Haggerty, Chair; Peter
Jones; and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk with Joseph Nugent, Board's
Executive Secretary.  Charles Flynn arrived 8:02PM.

I. Request for Executive Session: Haggerty called the meeting to
order at 7:40pm. Haggerty noted that the Executive Secretary had
some new information on Lot 11 land negotiations and wished
direction from the Board. Motion 1/30/96.1: move to enter
Executive Session under exemption #6 regarding Lot 11 in the
Industrial Park) for land negotiation considerations.  Motion by
Jones with second by Murdoch. Roll Call Vote: Murdoch: Aye;
Jones: Aye; Kuchinski: Aye; Haggerty: Aye. Motion carried 4-0.
Board entered executive session at 7:43PM.

Selectmen reconvened in Open Session at 7:50PM with the Chair
announcing that a vote was taken in the Executive Session to
accept a verbal offer to purchase lot 11 but would reveal the
details upon receipt of the offer in writing.

II. Planning Session - Zoning By-law Committee: Town Planner
Noreen O'Toole introduced the members of the Committee: Carole
McCormack, Dave Harris, Gary Hall, Lila Coyle, Ed Casey, Alan
Spera, and Judy Murdoch.  The Committee's primary focus has been
on Route 27 since this area will be impacted by the MBTA Railroad
station.  The Committee is at the research and study stage for
the current uses on Route 27 and the potential future uses
considering the upcoming impacts.  Dave Harris used a wall chart
to "walk" the Board and the TV audience the length of Route 27
beginning from the East Bridgewater line down to the Pembroke
line at Bryantville Center.  He noted the businesses in operation
along the way and tried also to verbally convey the wall chart's
delineation of the various zoning districts in place along the
route: residential A, B, Agricultural-Recreation, Commercial,
Industrial, Business.  They identified four separate business
districts and informed us that Route 27 is on the OCPC's TIP list
for complete reconstruction by 2000. This study should help
Hanson to be ready.  Alan Spera noted the points on which the
committee members agreed: the RR impact must be studied, multi-
family housing (rental, cluster) needs to be reviewed; wetland
and aquifer issues concerns must be considered especially for
potential businesses in the area.  He noted that the Committee
thought its job was to encourage existing business; explore
possibilities for changes to zoning by-laws but the first duty
was therein to enhance the quality of life in Hanson and
preserving the rural character of the town.  Lila Coyle mentioned
that they would schedule a slide presentation existing and
conceptual possibility for town officials and residents.  Ed
Casey made a plea for public input and O'Toole stated that the
business community would be asked for representation.  An update
on the Committee's progress would be made to the Board in six
months.  The Committee intends to move slowly and carefully
towards making final recommendations for any by-law changes.

III. May 1996 Town Meeting Warrant: FinCom requesting a later
closing date for this warrant in order for more time for placing
articles dealing with money issues.  Motion 1/30/96.2: move to
delay the closing of the Warrant for the May 1996 Annual Town
Meeting warrant until March 26, 1996.  Motion made by Murdoch
with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

IV. Meeting with Water Department: Confusion was noted for which
Board called for the meeting.  After reading a Water Department
Memo asking to clear the confusion and to ask for agenda items,
Haggerty stated he had requested Nugent to set up a meeting with
the Water Department.  Meeting will be held 8PM on February 14th.

V. 61A Removal Request - UCCC land - Monponsett and Hill Streets:
Nugent stated that no department had commented on "a need to own"
regarding this property.  Issue tabled until next meeting for
written response received from ConCom and Building Inspector.
Hanson Housing Authority Director Peggy Kitchenham requested that
her department be placed on the list for future consideration.   

VI. Housing Authority/ Historical Society - Need for Driveway
Easement:  Also present was Harold Towne, President of the Hanson
Historical Society.  Haggerty requested Nugent speak with Town
Counsel regarding need for action on this request by Town Meeting
instead of an action by the Board of Selectmen.  Issue tabled -
will go for action at a yet-to-be-scheduled special town meeting.

VII. Housing Authority's Request for the surplus 1953 Dodge Power
Wagon: Kitchenham stated that plowing was being done by a private
vehicle, that parts remain available for maintenance of the 1953.
Motion 1/30/96.3: move that the Board of Selectmen transfer the
1953 Dodge Power Wagon to the Hanson Housing Authority for its
use with ownership of said vehicle to revert to the Town when
Housing Authority completes its use.  Motion made by Murdoch with
second by Jones. Motion carried 5-0.   Kuchinski requested Nugent
to check with Town Counsel for validity of transfer as stated - a
stated surplus amount or consideration may have to be inserted.

VIII. Housing Authority / inspection report & fee consideration:
Kitchenham reported that the Building Inspector had visited the
Elderly Housing community center and multi-family dwelling.  Is
the Authority liable for the $75 per 4 units?  It was agreed that
the Building Inspector allow the state inspection of June, 1994
to stand.  He should verify a need of an inspection schedule.

IX. Historical Society / Reimbursement for doors:  Mr. Towne
asked for the status of monies for the reimbursement to the
Society for the 3 doors replaced on the building.  An article
will be placed on the Town Meeting warrant to satisfy the Town's
covenant with the Society.

X. Executive Secretary Report: (1) Hanson Youth Baseball:
requesting permission to install lights at Boteri Field. Motion
1/30/96.4 (WITHDRAWN): move to allow installation of lights at
Boteri Field with neighbors duly notified and at the expense of
Hanson Youth Baseball.  Motion by Murdoch with second by Flynn.
(2) Plymouth County Commissioners - High St/ NYNEX Tower matter:
Haggerty reported attendance at last week's meeting of the
Plymouth County Commissioners also attended by the police and
fire chiefs of the area.  It was apparent that some wrong
information was being bandied about, but that seemed to be
cleared up with NYNEX and the sub-committee of the Sheriff's
Department Communications requested by the Commissioners to
pursue a viable alternative site for the Tower.  Nugent reported
that Dianna Lothrup of the Sheriff's Department visited Hanson
yesterday and walked the Industrial Park site with two reps of
NYNEX, Police Chief Schyler (Whitman) and an engineer for the
County and found that the site would meet the needs of the
County.  Discussion on transfer of land asap with an article at
Town Meeting calling for a lease with option to sell.  A second
article at the meeting would seek a zoning exemption with
restrictions via written agreement on the number of antennae
allowed.  Will also need an access easement on Town property.
(3) Conceptual Drawings for School Building: Nugent reported that
the Region attended a Needs Conference with the State Building
Program; walked the Liberty Street site with SBAB and all-in-all
had a successful site visit.  Motion 1/30/96.5: move that the
Board of Selectmen declare a warrant open for a Special Town
Meeting to be held March 11, 1996 at 7:30 PM at Whitman-Hanson
Regional High School.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn. Motion carried 5-0.  Discussion on the purpose of the STM:
transfer of Industrial Park land to the Plymouth County
Commissioners, $10,000 appropriation of conceptual plans for the
school building program to presented at an April Special Town
Meeting; easement for the Hanson Housing Authority on Town
property presently controlled by Historical Society.  Motion
1/30/96.6: move that the Board of Selectmen declare the warrant
for the March 11, 1996 Special Town Meeting CLOSED.  Motion made
by Flynn with second by Murdoch. Motion carried 5-0.  The cost
for this type of special town meeting is in the range of $800 to
$1,000.  Warrant to be posted for February 25th.  Jones asked
that the Plymouth County Commissioners be invited to attend the
Town Meeting as well as a Board meeting so they could be thanked
for their cooperation on this matter.  Haggerty also noted that
the Commissioners should be encouraging the State Police to be
included in their tower plans.  (4) Request for a Second Spring
Town Meeting: Acting Superintendent Sherry has informed the Board
that WH Regional School District would require a Town Meeting to
explain the plans for the school building program.  Motion
1/30/96.7: move that the Board of Selectmen set a Special Town
Meeting for 1 PM on Saturday, April 6, 1996 at Indian Head
School.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones. Motion
carried 5-0.   Motion 1/30/96.8: move that the Board of Selectmen
open a warrant specially designed to deal with additions,
renovations and construction of school buildings for this April
6, 1996 Special Town Meeting.  Motion made by Murdoch with second
by Flynn. Motion carried 5-0.   Motion 1/30/96.9: move that the
April 6, 1996 Special Town Meeting warrant be CLOSED.  Motion
made by Murdoch with second by Jones. Motion carried 5-0.  
Nugent noted that a Needs Conference - SBAB request counsels for
the Schools, Hanson, Whitman, Bonding issues' counsel and their
own counsel meet to review regional agreement to see how region
can effect a positive situation.

XI. Action Requests: (1) Kuchinski - February Selectmen Meetings:
Motion 1/30/96.10: move that the Board set their meetings as
February 6, 1996 at 8 PM and February 27, 1996 at 7:30 PM. Motion
made by Kuchinski with second by Jones. Motion carried 5-0.    
(2) Kuchinski - Rockland Landfill: request that DEP come to
explain drainage situation to the residents.  (3) Kuchinski -
Alternative Sewerage Study Committee: notified Board that this
committee is meeting February 7th and asked that Town Hall staff
make a presentation on how the Title V grant program would be
working in Town; requested that OCPC be notified of this meeting
and asked if the newly hired program coordinator could attend the
meeting to inform residents how OCPC could interface with the
community for this grant program. (4) Kuchinski - Route 58
Crosswalks: citing two bad accidents, one fatal, on Route 58
(Cherminsino and Bryson) she asked that a meeting be set up with
Highway Surveyor and Police Chief to address cross-walk needs on
this road which is scheduled to come back under the jurisdiction
of the Town.  (5) Jones - Oil Recycling Equipment: requested that
Nugent update the Board with the known information on whether or
not this equipment is sited and operational. (6) Murdoch - State
Street Bridge: concern for child safety. Nugent reported that
weather conditions remain stalling factors for both the State
Street Bridge and Factory Pond Dam projects.  (7) Kuchinski -
Status on reports: Building Inspector's first monthly report not
yet complete and no update has been received from ConCom on MBTA
progress in Town.

XII. Adjournment. Motion 1/30/96.11: move to adjourn.  Motion
made by Flynn with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0. Meeting
adjourned at 10:34pm.